
“Choice begins the moment you disidentify from the mind and its conditioned patterns, the moment you become present…”
– Gabor Maté

During trauma, the human brain braces itself for survival. After experiencing a traumatic event (or prolonged relational trauma over the years) people tend to isolate and / or numb the painful emotions. Commonly emerging negative feelings are: relational struggles, shame, guilt, low self worth, excessive need for control, feelings of emptiness, depression and anxiety.

Research shows that it is not the event itself that determines whether it causes long term sufferings, but the meaning we make of it. The tools we use to process it. The way we view our wounded selves.

In therapy, we will focus on how to diminish the power of the past and channel your energy to reconnect with your authentic self. You have the power to get “unstuck”!

Treatment is carefully tailored to each individual based on specific needs. I offer Trauma counseling for Teens and Adults.


Contact Today

605 B street
San Rafael, CA 94901
(415) 462 4349

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